Monday, December 21, 2009

Face masks.... why does it hurt?

I've been using this face mask the cleansing mud and afetr about a minute it starts to get really irritating. feels like stinging and burning sensation.

the thing is I used to use it always and this never happened. I stopped using for about a year and now it hurts. whats changed?

could it be a new ingredient or something to do with my face?Face masks.... why does it hurt?
it could be a couple of different things. one, they might have reformulated the product with an ingredient you are sensitive to. if this is the case, then you won't be able to use this and should stop to prevent excess irritation. unfortunately, you'll just have to find something else. two, it might be that your skin needs to build up a tolerance to the mask again (like it would need to with something like benzoyl peroxide). if this is the case, try using it less often and in smaller amounts. you should gradually be able to work up to normal usage. third, it's possible that you skin was already irritated or damaged from another product (are you using a drying acne treatment at all?) whereas before you skin was healthier and stronger and able to withstand the mask.Face masks.... why does it hurt?

this happened to me, have u got dry skin or excema?

i use to have terrible excema and everytime i used them it burnt my face, same sorta feeling if u died your hair.

i would recommend you to sop using them and see a doctor he might presecribe you some cream. my ecema chanes every 7 years so your skin maybe changing. ou always can buy non perfume face packs they have a whole range in boots xx
It could be new ingredient but whatever it is your skin appears to have become sensitive to it and is reacting badly. Don't use it again and use lots of unscented moisturiser until your skin has recovered
Don't use it anymore. Maybe not suitable for your skin.

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