Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wheres a good place to buy face masks?

should i buy it or is it easy to make?Wheres a good place to buy face masks?
here are some recipes for some face masks

For dry skin, try:

an egg yolk mixed with olive oil and warmed honey

sour cream

plain olive oil


For oily skin:

dissolve a teaspoon of baking yeast in a small amount of warm milk, wait until foamy, then apply (best done in the bath tub);

puree flesh of a tomato and mix with some potato flour to make a paste;

cucumber (it will whiten your skin);

beaten egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice (great for getting rid of blackheads);

carrots (but don't use this one more than about every other week because it can overdry your skin). This one will make you look tanned.

General refreshing masks:

grapes (just cut a berry in half and rub lightly)

strawberries (test behind your ear first, because many people are alergic to strawberies used this way even thougth they can eat them just fine)

honey and ricotta cheese

Many fruits and vegetables can also be used to good effect. Anything acidic (lemon, strawberries, etc) will tend to whiten and refresh your skin, but you need to be careful if your skin is dry.

In general, don't apply masks more often than about twice a week, and try to vary the ingredients.

It is a good idea to test the mask first. Apply a small amount behind your ear, wait 20 minutes, then wash off. Then wait 24 hours. If the skin behind your ear is normal, then go ahead and use the mask.


But you can buy some nice and inexpensive masks at target, walmart and CVS or your local drug store for cheap. be sure to get the generic brand because it works just the same and usually costs up to a dollar less.Wheres a good place to buy face masks?
Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask is good if you decide to go with drugstore mask.

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