Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why do people think that Kanw w/o the mask and Kane with the mask are two fifferent people?

To me it is obvious that they are the same guy, people change as they get older so why should Kane be any different. What do you guys think?Why do people think that Kanw w/o the mask and Kane with the mask are two fifferent people?
i've often pondered that question because before he unmasked i knew he was glen jacobs and he was the fake diesel and isaac yankem ';the evil dentist'; and if you see picures of them you can see that it is are current kane. I think the reason people think that is when kane left for awhile with that quad muscle injury he came back skinnier probably from not working out as much and with a half mask, so he looked different even before he unmasked. do people think that Kanw w/o the mask and Kane with the mask are two fifferent people?
I Don't Know It's Lame Though.
i agree

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