Monday, December 21, 2009

How can I hide or mask that sour smell from my vagina?

I know it's normal to have sour, bready, fishy, whatever smells from there, but obviously I'm not enjoying that smell so is there a way to prevent it?

Is there a way to make it not smell? Or just cover it up or something? Any tips?

I wear panty liners but i don't think they're making a difference.

Thank you.How can I hide or mask that sour smell from my vagina?
First, A bacterial infection is NOT treated like a yeast infection. For a bacterial infection, the dr. prescribes antibiotics usually oral. You are not supposed to use any kind of over the counter yeast infection medications at all (it says so on the box and/or in the pamphlet inside) if it's the first time you notice any symptoms or smelly discharge since women don't always know the symptoms of yeast and bacterial infection. For a yeast infection, it can be treated with yeast infection medications after a dr. diagnosis it if it's your first time and you have never had a yeast infection diagnosed. I agree that if it's smells fishy or bread like smell it could be either a yeast and/or bacterial infection. Please do yourself a favor buy saving time and money and see your dr. for a diagnosis. Also any deodorant spray only masks the smell and can actually make the environment moist and more prone to getting an infection. I know that women and girls shouldn't hang around in wet bathing suits because it increases their chances for developing an infection. If this is your first time having this symptom (believe it or not, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection during a routine check-up and I didn't have any symptoms other than very very minor itching) please see your dr. If you have intense itching, burning, or very red area down there and a cottage cheese like discharge or a thick discharge than it could be a yeast infection but not always. Sometimes bacterial infections can also go into the urethra and you can have both a bacterial infection in the vagina and the urinary tract. Believe me, a lot of girls and women get urinary tract infections by wiping the wrong way or through sex. Young girls being potty-trained should be taught they need to wipe from front to back not the other way because bacteria from the anus can be pushsed to the front area causing a bacterial infection of the vagina and/or the bladder. Because you have two smells bread like and fish like, you really need a dr. to diagnose you properly. Don't worry it doesn't hurt. All he/she does is take a long swab like a long Q-tip and takes a sample of the discharge, places it on a slide, and then sends it to the lab for a diagnosis. If this is the first time you will go to the dr. you may want to look at this link to find out what is done during a pelvic exam. It's a very informative link.鈥?/a>

Just a note... if anyone has abnormal bleeding or non-stop bleeding, has trouble keeping an appointment because she got her period for a normal check-up and when she rescheduled and had her period again, she can still be seen. The pap may not be as accurate and some women actually don't stop bleeding. I also heard that the best time to have a pelvic exam is during a woman's period. She can have a pap smear later on if the dr. wants to wait or if she is bleeding constantly a pap can be done anyway. I know many women have had non-stop periods before a hysterectomy is done. Also here is a video link on a pap smear and breast exam.鈥?/a>

Another link on what a 13 year old went through when she had a discharge and how she felt after the exam.鈥?/a>

I hope this info helps and I really do hope you get a diagnosis because there is no way to prevent a smell if it's an infection. You can treat it but covering it up if it's an infection can make it worse and if it's not an infection, then it can cause one. I know they make scented pads and liners but a lot of dr's tell women that unscented pads and/or tampons are the best to use. Also try to use Dove sensitive soap when washing the area down there as I was told by my girls pediatrician that it can prevent any irritation and/or bladder infections. Dove Sensitive is more easy on that area and doesn't contain any perfumes or dyes.

see the following page so you can find out a girls experience after going to the family dr. for the first time after she had symptoms of itching.How can I hide or mask that sour smell from my vagina?
i think the panty liners make it smell more and they can give you a yeast infection because of the locked moisture but anyway, you should also shave your area completely and scrub very good when you bathe so that you won't have a smell at all. this is what i do and i don't have a smell whatsoever.
everyone smells different but the ';fishy'; smells is usually a sign of a bacterial infection and is treated like a yeast infection. Dont use strong/purfumed soap use plain white soap and wear cotton undies. panty liners protect the undies nothing more. see the doctor
no its not go to the gyn and find out why u have may be an infection or ur eating to much fish which can cause the smell.mine doesnt smell
umm that's not always normal...if it's like so sour that u can smell it may not be normal sweetie...u should go get that checked out...or if not u should wash more and way better
actually, i don't think a sour or fishy smell is really normal. some smells are normal, yes, but sometimes the smell can indicate that there is indeed something not right. it could be as simple a bacterial infection that can be knocked out with a round of antibiotics.

so, try using daily wipes when you use the restroom. i use some from always. and keep using the pantie liners, but change them more frequently. if that doesn't work, then you need to see the doctor just to make sure there isn't something else going on.
use scented panty liners

wear perfume too (not down there tho. lol)

that will take away attention
no thats not normal, you need to go to a doctor asap! you may have a yeast infection or std !!
You need to see an OBGYN.

You may have an infection.

There are creams out there (monistat, etc.)...BUT, you may want to get the diagnosis from a professional. This way you can nip this thing in the bud. Then once they prescribe the proper meds, the odor will disappear soon.

Good luck.
If it smells bready, then you have a yeast infection

If it smells fishy, then you have a bacterial infection.

A slightly sour smell is normal - it's supposed to be slightly acidic down there.

Ask a gyno/obn

Douches interrupt the microbial balance and besides your vagina is self-cleaning
You shouldn't wear panty liners first of all - underwear with a breathable cotton crotch only. Second, drink lots of water. If you are well-hydrated, this will essentially dilute all smells, secretions, etc. 8 8-oz glasses a day is a minimum, not a prescribed amount. Third, the smell will likely vary according to where you are in your cycle, but if it gets too strong, there's a possibility you may have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (b.v.) B.V. is common, not a lot of symptoms but a ';fishy'; smell, particularly after sex, is the most noticeable symptom.
idk if its true, but when you have a fishy smell there is a infection or somthing...then again idk..
Sounds like you might have a yeast infection, eat plenty of yoghurt (it has to say 'active/live cultures' on the tub). Maybe see your Dr or buy some over the counter medication. If it's just normal for you then try summer's eve femenine deodorant spray.

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